Newsletter Nº46 agosto 2019

Newsletter Nº46 Julio 2019 TRABAJO DESTACADO: Revista Fiestas Mayores Elda 2019 PUBLICIDAD: ¿Para qué tu empresa necesita publicidad en el punto de venta? FIESTAS MAYORES: Diseño de la camiseta para ‘Correr la traca’ JOVEMPA:  Taller de gestión empresarial LO QUE NOS MUEVE: Motivación de este mes   1. Revista Fiestas Mayores Elda 2019 Te presentamos la nueva Revista Fiestas Mayores...

Colourful circles denote contact-lens prescriptions in Dimple design by Universal Favourite

Australian studio Universal Favourite has designed the packaging for contact lens subscription service Dimple, which makes use of boldly patterned circles that correspond with prescriptions. Dimple is a direct-to-consumer service that targets the millennial market. As such, the company needed branding that would stand out on social media and attract new customers — without losing The post Colourful circles denote...


SomeOne rebrands the House of Commons for the digital age

Design agency SomeOne has updated the visual identity of the UK’s House of Commons to make it perform better across different platforms including apps and social media. London firm SomeOne was tasked with a holistic rebranding project to improve consistency across all touch points, including procedural documents, signage and digital applications. The existing core green The post SomeOne rebrands the...


Visual identity for Re:publica rebels against digital culture with reams of text

Fertig Design has created a visual identity for the Re:publica conference that uses lengthy passages of text and typography instead of conventional graphics to pay «homage to the written word». The annual conference is the largest aimed at the digital and internet society, and saw its thirteenth edition this year in Berlin. This year’s theme The post Visual identity for...

El monograma moderno: una encuesta histórica de cifras, marcas y monogramas

Siglos de monogramas En mi negocio, Nancy Sharon Collins, Stationer LLC , creo monogramas y cifrados para clientes y paso mucho tiempo buscando inspiración histórica. Este artículo comparte algunas de mis investigaciones. Es probable que los monogramas modernos se originaran con el comienzo del tipo, alrededor de 1450. Esto es cuando los impresores, los coleccionistas de impresión y los artistas...