
Script – Über das Wesen der Schrift

Do the existing writing systems suffice for future communication, even with machines? Script – Über das Wesen der Schrift is a fundamental reflection on the current state of our writing and the developments it will undergo in the future. Our existing writing systems are among the most significant socio-cultural achievements–writing has profoundly influenced both our thinking and actions, and no technological...


These URLs Will Save the IRL

You open it, squint, think for a bit, scroll up, scroll down, search for half a minute for a language change. After the third go-through-the-menubar, acceptance comes and cmd+f is used. Then you finally find the right section and it leads to a pdf with no ability to copy the text. You guessed it — if you ever tried to...



flint*ype is a tool, an archive, and a curated showcase, that aims to make typefaces from FLINTA* (F=female, L=lesbians, I=inter-, N=non-binary, T=trans, A=agender) designers from all over the world more easily accessible. The initiators of the project Lilot Kammermeier, Sophia Krayc, Coco Lobinger and Hannah Witte believe that through the use of FLINTA* typefaces, marginalised designers in graphic design will be supported, made visible, and...


Slanted Winter Break 2023 / 2024

From December 22nd we will be taking our annual winter break to recharge our batteries and tackle many new projects in the new year full of energy! From January 4th, 2024, we will be back in person for you. Please note that from now until January 4th, 2023, there will be no support from the Slanted Shop (subscriptions included) and...


Makers Bible Crafting Cuisine

Makers Bible Crafting Cuisine is for those who love to spend time in the kitchen, cook with hand and heart, try new things and celebrate a consciously prepared meal in good company. This time it is for those who passionately cook and appreciate using the best handmade tools and ingredients. This book shows on 352 pages over 130 makers and...


Slanted Summer School Vol. 1—Energy

Energy is everywhere, acting as the magical spark that powers our world. From the food we eat that fuels our bodies to the cars we drive, it’s all about energy. This same spark lights up our homes and even powers our brightest ideas. When we’re deep in thought or bursting with excitement, it’s energy working its magic inside us. This...



By a stroke of luck, an extraordinary object came into the hands of Michael Wörgötter, Professor of Typography in Augsburg – the Schriftenkartei. It included not just any, but the typefaces of all existing type foundries in West Germany at that time—Bauersche Gießerei, H. Berthold AG, Genzsch & Heyse, Ludwig & Mayer, D. Stempel AG, Johannes Wagner GmbH, and C....


Who’s Afraid Of Stardust?

The Kunsthaus and Kunsthalle Nürnberg present the international group exhibition titled “Who’s Afraid of Stardust? Positions of Contemporary Queer Art.” Featuring the works of 30 artists, the exhibition delves into various aspects of queer life, making significant contributions to the ongoing discourse on diversity. The exhibition is offering unique perspectives on societal power structures. While the primary focus of this...


We had so much fun yesterday in the print shop at Stober Medien! In cooperation with Slanted and Inapa, they invited to a fun and sociable evening with many conversations, books, wine and pizza—freshly baked and so tasty! Not to forget to mention that the chef entertained us with Italian songs while baking the pizzas. Inapa presented their new paper...

ABC Connect Unites Fonts with Furniture

The German type foundry Dinamo and design studio BNAG have connected () to create a digital dot font and accompanying set of metal brackets, which let users create lettershapes with screws. Let’s explain: The ABC C-o-n-n-e-c-t-o-r-s are easy-to-use brackets that help DIY builders join bits of wood together for quick, spontaneous furniture making. Inside their dot matrix grids, builders can...

Slanted Open House—Recap

We are more than thrilled about our first Open House last Thursday—it was a wonderful evening with great guests, conversations, drinks, books, and laughs! We are very happy that so many of our readers and friends came to our office in Karlsruhe—even from Czech Republic. It was a pleasure to meet everyone in person, to get to know some of...


Dynamic Font Day 2023—Recap

After a “creative break” the Dynamic Font Day is back, once again organized by the Typografische Gesellschaft München in the rooms of the Munich School of Design & Fashion in the very city center of Munich. The Dynamic Font Day 2023 was curated by Tim Ahrens, Antje Dohmann, and Oliver Linke.  After a warm welcome, Phillip Koller from Berlin kicked...