
Processing: the Software that Shaped Creative Coding

This is part I of the Processing oral history. Part II will publish next week. Computers and design have long been intertwined. This relationship dates back to the 1960s, when computational pioneers used code to create novel forms. Since then, programming’s grip on designers has only tightened, even as it’s been obscured by the user-friendly interfaces of modern creativity software....


A New Generation of Designers Grapples With Social Media

Social media has changed the way creators and visual artists think about representing their work. For many, Instagram, Behance, and Twitter have replaced or profoundly augmented how they can showcase their designs, gain a new audience and, ultimately, get more work.  With Covid-19 bringing most of the world into the online space as a powerful mode of communication and interaction,...


How Do You Get Into Tech? Recent Graduates Talk About The Portfolios That Got Them Jobs

In August 2014, a month before I became chair of the graphic design program at California College of the Arts, I was invited to a mysterious event: an evening with the celebrated Google Glass designer Isabelle Olsson at the Battery, a members-only club in San Francisco for tech elites. According to the invitation, the gathering was part of “Facebook’s Women...


Pioneer Works Is Rethinking What Online Cultural Programming Looks Like

When the pandemic hit and museums and galleries closed their doors, many were forced to quickly adapt their programming to keep speaking with their audiences despite the enforced physical separation. You don’t need me to tell you these results have been a mixed bag: from insightful lectures to slideshows masquerading as exhibitions; poor connections to racist zoom-bombers; poorly-attended livestreams to...

Pedro Jiménez, plata en los Malofiej, los Pulitzer de la infografía

171 medios de comunicación de 32 países han presentado su candidatura a la 29ª edición de los Premios Malofiej de Infografía , organizados por Society for News Design España y la Escuela de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra. De estas entradas, 399 están en las categorías de gráficos impresos, 709 en las categorías de infografías digitales y 36 en la categoría...

La conexión valenciana en los premios Laus 2021

Los premios Laus 2021 premian con varios galardones a Democràcia, Diego Mir, Ibán Ramón y Migue Martí. Hace escasos días se dieron a conocer los proyectos galardonados en la última edición de los Premios Laus, otorgados por la asociación ADG-FAD. A continuación repasamos, por categorías, los proyectos galardonados con vinculación valenciana. Identidad corporativa Meteorito Estudio: Ogarenyo (Plata, Naming) Migue Martí:...