
Now More Than Ever

The editorial project Now More Than Ever marks the third edition of the Fight for Kindness non-profit campaign. In 2024, this project expanded globally, featuring 12 exhibitions and digital showcases in eight countries: Italy, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Egypt, the United States, and Indonesia. Typography possesses a unique power to convey messages that inspire change. As both an art form...

Making of Support Independent Type II

We couldn’t be happier with the production of Support Independent Type II! It not only celebrates the vibrant world of independent type design, it beautifully showcases the craftsmanship and high quality of our trusted partners: Druckerei Stober for printing, Buchbinderei Spinner for binding, and Reflex for their premium paper. A true celebration of materiality and precision! One of the book’s...


TypeParis Now 25

Type Paris Now25 is the annual conference in Paris that brings together art directors, graphic designers, type designers, all passionate about good design and quality typography. Slanted will provide coverage of Now25 as media partners. It is important to create platforms that allow different design disciplines to share their passion for typography in everyday practice. Attendees are invited to come...


Mut zur Wut 2025

Once again this year, Mut zur Wut with it’s 13th edition is deliberately turning public space into a stage for visual resistance! From March 1st to April 30th, you can submit your posters to this international competition at their website. The world is in a turbulent phase. Power dynamics are shifting and the media landscape is ablaze. In times like...


Road Works Zine

Road works is an experimental & variable typeface based on the unpredictable nature of road cracks. This font serves as a visual exploration of our ever-changing environment, drawing endless inspiration from the world we navigate daily. It features five stylistic sets in both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. Letters are replaced randomly, but users can control these variations by manually selecting...


Gonzaï Journal #3

In December 2024, Gonzaï made a strong statement with the cover of its third edition Gonzaï Journal #3. This political and feminist issue features a look back at Elon Musk’s Excesses, an investigation into the role of women in rock, an interview with the Front des Musiques Indépendantes, a debate on black metal and a striking portrait of a transgender...


Design als Haltung

The recently published book Design als Haltung (“Design as an attitude”) by Ulrike Brückner and Bianca Herlo demonstrates that design is much more than advertising, editorial work, and aesthetics. When design no longer sees itself solely as a service, it can become a powerful tool: in shaping politics and society, the world we live in and the way we interact...


Base Pixel

The concept of Base Pixel was born from a simple but exciting idea: exploring the connection between ancient stone carved inscriptions and the digital type we see on screens today. The new typeface was created in collaboration with Base and Clement Cases. The main features of this font are available exclusively from Onchain through the Base collections. At its core is...


Der Palast des typografischen Mauerwerks

The exhibition Palast des typografischen Mauerwerks (“Palace of Typographic Masonry”) at Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt, that started in February 2025, opens a multifaceted view of the graphic design discipline: from basic graphic elements, their interplay in compositions and designs, to tools, techniques, design methods, and the professional practice amidst considerations of space, time, clients, and audience. The traveling...


Words of Type

Words of Type brings together the terms used in typography and beyond (graphic design, web design, linguistics, etc.), explained into several languages. These terms form the vocabulary used by professionals of typography, but they are also part of the language of whoever uses texts in their life: everybody. On the one part, many terms are often misused or confused because...


Grafikmagazin 01.25

In issue 01.25, Grafikmagazin delves into the central theme of typography. From large research projects to small type studios, lettering is as varied as the creatives behind it. Over 20 pages, the magazine highlights how designers experiment with AI and typefaces, test new fonts, and incorporate historical references. Featured are Sina Otto, Creative Type Director at Monotype, the handwriting project...


Call for Entries by Stiftung Buchkunst 2025

The Stiftung Buchkunst is now accepting submissions for the Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2025 (Best German Book Design 2025) and the Förderpreis für junge Buchgestaltung 2025 (Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design 2025). Publishers, book designers, and production firms can submit new releases from April 1st, 2024, until March 31st, 2025. Books with regional relevance may also enter the Deutschlands...