When Stanley Kubrick set out to design the videophone featured in his 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, he enlisted…...
Firma tus PDF con la nueva función de SmallPDF
Hoy os mostramos una herramienta de esas que os gustan: útil y gratuita. Se trata de una nueva función de SmallPDF para firmar PDF de manera digital. Las utilidades pueden ser múltiples, como por ejemplo enviar vuestro boceto al cliente para que lo firme y dé por bueno el trabajo, o firmar los PDF de preview que nos mandan los impresores...
Edu Comelles rompe la barrera del sonido en Centre del Carme
«Spectre» es la primera exposición individual en València del artista sonoro Edu Comelles. El Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània presenta ‘Spectre. Hacia un lenguaje visual desde lo auditivo’, la primera exposición individual en València del artista sonoro Edu Comelles, con la que explora la representación gráfica del sonido. Capacidades plásticas del sonido ‘Spectre’ es el […] The post Edu Comelles...
A Brief History of “Dark Mode”—From the Matrix-like Displays of the Early ’80s to Today
Now that “screen” is a metonym for all digital technology—“screen time” a shorthand for staring at anything that glows—it’s easy…...
The Solution to Deepfakes May Not Be As Technological As You Think
In late 2017, knowing and understanding the term “deepfake” would have meant one thing: You were a regular browser of…...
Apple updates Final Cut Pro X with social media tools, more
New version 10.4.9 of Apple’s video-editing software now available for download from the Mac App Store...
How Designers Are Adapting Magazine Design For the Digital Sphere
When publications first went digital a couple of decades back, their designs more or less aped the print format, in…...
Yes, You Really Do Need a UX Writer
My cursor hovered over a blank rectangle. After weeks of work, we had nearly finished the designs for a new…...
The Next Generation of Music-making Apps Are More Accessible Than Ever, So Why Are Some People So Reluctant to Use Them?
If advancements in camera technology have democratized the nature of image-making, essentially equipping any smartphone user with the tools of…...
Marco Oggian’s Dreams and Nightmares explores our global anxiety in 2020
Dreamlike visions come to life for real world exhibition....
Who’s Responsible for Preventing Dark Patterns?
Dark patterns are as old as the internet itself. For over 30 years, the web has served as a breeding…...
Ren & Stimpy returns in ‘reimagined’ format
The 1990s are well and truly back....