
Nullnummer #3

Nullnummer #3 is a supplement to the university-wide newspaper fh-presse at the Department of Design at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The concept behind the student magazine Nullnummer and its first issue were Jonas Brüggemann’s graduation project. Since then, the magazine has been edited by a rotating student team. As a platform, it is intended to enable especially the actors...


Dafi Kühne: Buchdruckplakate?

The exhibition Dafi Kühne: Buchdruckplakate? at the Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig features around 100 letterpress posters. For his designs, Dafi Kühne uses a wide variety of tools, from computers to pantographs, and realizes his ideas on printing presses from the 1960s. These are posters for art and culture that show the great potential of letterpress printing. Almost any material can...


Vernissage of the Werkbund Label Exhibition AUSGEZEICHNET!

Last Thursday was the vernissage of the Werkbund Label exhibition AUSGEZEICHNET! and we were happy to be able to participate in the event. A selection of the projects that have been awarded the Werkbund Label by the Deutscher Werkbund Baden-Württemberg since 2006 was on display. Every two years, outstanding projects, initiatives and companies are honored that stand out for their...


Unveiling Session: Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam

Join us for the launch of Slanted magazine’s 41st issue at Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum in Amsterdam on April 28th, 2023, from 7–9 p.m. Meet the Slanted team and contributors in person, enjoy drinks, and join a lively discussion about design in Amsterdam. This issue explores the city’s innovative, modern, and functional designs spiced with humor, featuring interviews, essays, illustrations, and useful...


Das gewöhnliche Design

Das gewöhnliche Design (The ordinary Design) is a hidden classic of German design history, something the vinyl era would have called a B-side hit. Newly edited by Frank Philippin and Florian Walzel, the facsimile returns the work to a wider audience. As early as 1976 a group of students and young professors at the Faculty of Design at the University...


Diploma Exhibition 2023—Perspectives

From May 4th to 21st, the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe presents the graduation projects created between 2022 and 2023 within the Diploma exhibition 2023—Perspectives in the atriums of the school. The works shown in the exhibition open up a vide variety of perspectives on themes that are paradigmatic of our times. They revolve around themes such as memory,...


12th annual Typography Meeting

In December of 22 we had the honor of being invited to attend and to speak at the 12th annual Typography Meeting (“Encontro de Tipografia”) in Portugal. This time it took place in Covilhã at the University of Beira Interior and stood under the theme “Matter of Type.” It is organized by the Faculty of Arts and Letters and the...


Werkschau Design & Architecture 22/23

At the end of the winter term 2022/23, the graduates of the Design and Architecture departments of the Peter Behrens School of Arts at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf will present their projects during the Werkschau Design & Architecture 22/23. Around 200 young designers and architects specializing in Architecture, Interior Design and Civic Design as well as Communication Design,...


Lagois Photo Competition 2023

Climate justice concerns us all. We all know that we cannot treat our planet carelessly. But how can we lead a socially and environmentally responsible life? Protect the environment and manage resources sustainably? Only by changing something together in order to enable sustainable living conditions for inhabitants of the Global South and future generations. Lagois Photo Competition 2023 is looking...


TDC69 Call for Entries

The Type Directors Club, the world’s leading typography organization and part of The One Club for Creativity, announces significant expansion in accepted work and a host of additional changes to its annual awards with the opening of TDC69 Annual Competition call for entries. Previously divided into two competitions, one each for Communications Design and Typeface Design, the program is now...


The Faces Behind Typefaces

Readymag, a design tool for creating outstanding websites, in collaboration with Type Directors Club presents The Faces Behind Typefaces, a selection of insightful conversations about typographers who have made extraordinary contributions to the creative field—Paula Scher, Paul Rand, Gerard Unger, Ed Benguiat, Rubén Fontana, Emigre, and Adrian Frutiger. Designed in the form of an editorial, The Faces Behind Typefaces coincides...


The F*word

“Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum?” With their legendary 1989 poster, the activist group Guerrilla Girls drew attention in New York City to the fact that although women are a popular motif in art, very few female artists are exhibited in museums, galleries, and art institutions. For more than 30 years, the internationally known...