Behind the Image: Bernie Sanders at the University of Chicago Racial Equality Sit-in, 58 Years Ago

A la luz de la primaria presidencial demócrata en curso en los Estados Unidos, recordamos la documentación de Danny Lyon sobre el movimiento de derechos civiles durante los años 60, y específicamente sus imágenes de un joven Bernie Sanders, ahora candidato presidencial demócrata, y su papel en el activismo estudiantil en el Sentada en el Congreso de Igualdad Racial (CORE)...

Putting Hearts and Souls on the Line

London is a macrocosm of cultures, lesser-known histories, and politics which have a profound personal impact: no one understands this better than the young people who make the city their home. Through a collaboration between Magnum Photos and Create Jobs — an organization which promotes employability amongst underrepresented groups in the arts and digital sectors — twenty-four young creatives recently...